
<aside> ❗ Each of those Example Options is a seperate Page which opens when clicking




This is a example Database, at the top you have the different views of how the database is displayed.

In this case you have the views: ‘All Enemies Board View’, ‘All Enemies Galery View’, ‘Alphabetical Order’, ‘Type Normal’, ‘Type Elite’ and so on. Each view is filtered and/or displayed differently. The view ‘Type Normal’ for example, shows only enemies which have the Type ‘Normal

Clicking a view will set that view to the active one.

When Hovering over a Object in a Database, a button will open next to the name, in this case it is called ‘Öffnen’ due to the german language, clicking this button will open the Object as a seperate Page.

<aside> ❗ Some Objects of Databases have information which is only shown when viewed as a seperate page, so make sure to also click the objects if you want to know more about it.




Current Position in the Wiki:

At the top you can see the current and previous pages, the most right option is the page which you are currently on.


Verification and Page Status:

<aside> ❗ If a page has the Blue checkmark with the word ‘Verified’ it is completely up to date regarding the current Version of the game and contains all Information needed, if you have anything else to add to that page, Message Tribrid on the discord Server.


Page Creator shows who created that Page

Page Last Edited shows when it was last changed

Page Last Edited By shows who edited it the last time


Toggleable Objects

<aside> ❗ If you see a Arrow Infront of a Word/Object, this means that the Information is toggleable, once you click the Arrow, the information will be displayed


Not toggled

Not toggled

